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Buddha Shaligram
NirvanaPurva Buddha Shaligram 2 opening - 2 Chakra's in Each , One opening on top side and second opening on back side , Total 4 Circulars -
Matsya Shaligram
KamsyaVarna Matsya Shaligram Fish Shape , Yellow / Copper color body , Single opening on head side having 2 clear small chakras , with single big chakra on the tail side . -
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Hrushta Rama Shaligram
Hrushta Rama Shaligram Single small opening with 2 small chakras , clear mark of vanamala on top side , mark of bow and arrow , Cow foot print on the lower side , golden color and white color spots .Ā -
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Vibhishana Narsimha shaligram
Vibhishana Narasimha Salagram Two circulars inside long opening , Shape like fish body , Big Belly , Golden Color . -
Rare Big Size Damodar Shaligram – 27 Kg
Nilamegha Damodara Shaligram Big Size Black color Round body , with clear white and golden color lines on the central portion , and vanamala marks . -
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Rare Big Size Gadadhara Shaligram
Rare Big Size Gadadhara Shaligram Black color , Smooth , Shankha marks , Lotus mark , with Yellow tinge . -
Gardua Idol In Pure Solid Copper – 3 Inches
Lord Garuda - The Vahana Of Lord Vishnu In Pure Copper